Author: whtwnd.com (did:plc:fzkpgpjj7nki7r5rhtmgzrez)



"🌟WhiteWind Update 20240728🌟"
"Farewell to the excessively wide article area!

## 💻Reduction of Article Area and Adjustment of Line Spacing in PC Display
Until now, the width of the article area in WhiteWind had no upper limit, and the line height was set smaller compared to general article posting platforms.  
As a result, when the article got long, it felt like the text was overwhelming the screen, lowering the reading experience.  
With this update, the width of the article area has been capped, and the line spacing has been widened, providing a reading experience comparable to general platforms!

## 🎞️Adjustment of Embedded Size for YouTube and Others
When using embeds like YouTube, the same size was used for the mobile version as the PC version, causing the article area to overflow.  
This time, the embed size has been adjusted to fit within the width of the article area, preventing it from overflowing!

## 🦋Collapsing and Tree Display of Bluesky Reactions
Bluesky posts containing the HTTPS URL or AT URI of an article are displayed as reactions on WhiteWind.  
Previously, replies to Bluesky posts were also displayed by default, making it seem like unrelated chatter was starting around the article.  
Now, only Bluesky posts that directly mention the article and are not replies are displayed in the reaction section by default, and replies are collapsed by default!  
Clicking on the speech bubble icon in the reactions expands the replies.  
Additionally, replies are now displayed in a tree structure with indents, making it clear which post they are replying to!

## 🖼️Automatic Insertion When Uploading Images
(Implemented on 6/26) Previously, when dragging and dropping images onto the article editor, you had to open the Uploaded Pictures page, copy the URL, return to the article editor, and paste the URL.  
However, this process was cumbersome, detracting from the writing experience.  
With this update, the image URL is automatically inserted at the cursor position, greatly reducing the hassle of handling images!

## A blog of sorts
That's all for the update information.  
Thank you for reading this far!

I recently went to Hokkaido!  
For those who have never been to Japan, Hokkaido is the northernmost part of Japan, known for its cool climate and delicious seafood.  
There's a place called "[Umi Aji Hachikyo Ikura Goten](https://hachikyo.com/shop/ikura-goten)" in Hokkaido, where they keep piling on salmon roe until you say stop, and it was amazing!  
Reservations are very hard to get, so if you plan to go, I recommend booking a month in advance!