Author: timburga.social (did:plc:c54hcflqn6rv53qumfnxc5mj)


"I am low key fascinated by all aspects of groundwater - the fact that it exists, that we rely on it, that most people don't know we rely on it, and mostly that we're losing it and contaminating what's left. 

As with many areas of the country we alternate between floods and droughts here in north Texas. We build lakes to capture runoff for drier times, but it's all on the surface and subject to evaporation.

Meanwhile, thousands of square miles of pavement and billions of dollars in stormwater infrastructure funnel rainwater directly into rivers bound for the Gulf of Mexico, preventing water from soaking into the ground and recharging aquifers as it did for millenia before we came along.

What if every suburban yard in areas like DFW was required to have a 30 foot deep recharge well on the property? What if all driveways and alleys were required to be built with permeable concrete? Would these things help or would they be a drop in the bucket, pun intended?

I don't know the answer but we should pay more attention to our most important resource and, for a change, try to leave something better than we found it for future generations.

Thanks for reading. I stand by everything Ive said but but this has primarily been an exercise in creating long form content for a bsky post test. "